In a digital expanse, beyond the limits of our screens, lies the bustling metropolis of BYTE CITY. The world's digital neon skyline, populated by avatars, is divided into multiple worlds through which multiple factions wander across digital realms. Each faction, distinct and radiant in its rights, has its legends and heroes. But there are those; the daring few, driven by ambition and hunger for treasures, are revered and feared. They are known as the Elite Treasure Hunters.

Rumors echo through BYTE CITY, hints of a highly desirable resource known as $SILICON. It's said that this elusive material holds the power to upgrade and transform. To amplify strength, enhance agility, and quicken the mind. An avatar enhanced with Silicon becomes a formidable being, unmatched in any quest, unyielding in any battle. But there is a catch – the material is scattered across the vast expanses of the BYTE universe, hidden in places where no avatar had ever ventured.


Exploring & venturing from different parts of the digital world, Treasure Hunters represent different factions in Byte City. A collective group, Elite Treasure Hunters, decided to connect to this digital realm & dedicate their existence to completing missions and quests. They know that the missions & quests are no easy feat thus, they are prepared to raid each other in search of extracting & trading resources.

Treasure Hunters can venture out to multiple locations in Byte City for resources and treasure. One of the most desirable resources $SILICON, is consumed to strengthen and upgrade themselves. Extracting Silicon entails PVP battles, raids, defence, and strategies. Silicon will be widely used in multiple worlds to build, upgrade, customize, and expand their reign.

Another important resource is the Treasure Map fragments. These can be found by embarking on missions within Byte City and side quests outside of Byte City. The core objective is to gather map fragments from various locations within Byte City and beyond. When certain map fragments are combined and fused, a full map is created, leading the Treasure Hunters to special loot, providing them exclusive attributes and skills that enhance their battle skills.

$SILICON: Fueling the world

$SILICON is an important resource in this digital realm & can be extracted from different locations in Byte City. Given the importance and necessity of Silicon, it is a finite resource with a limited supply. Treasure hunters will explore and battle to reach the top ranks of $SILICON extractors.

The daily emission of $SILICON will decay over time; therefore, the Treasure Hunters must quickly take action and start the resource extraction quests sooner rather than later. Multiple Extraction Hubs produce $SILICON at different capacities, enabling the explorers to strategize where, when, and how to best dedicate their efforts. $SILICON can be extracted by completing missions and quests alongside vicious PVP battles.

PVP Battles

Treasure Hunters can raid extraction stations occupied by others to loot their $SILICON yield. The attackers & defenders engage in a PVP battle and the winner is determined based on each Treasure Hunter’s attributes and status. The winner will take over the extraction station and the Silicon generation process. While an extraction station is under attack due to a raid, the station cannot be raided by additional Treasure Hunters.

$SILICON Extraction Hubs & Stations

$SILICON can be extracted across various locations in Byte City and the BYTE verse. There are numerous Extraction Hubs which produce Silicon at different rates and yields. Within each extraction hub, multiple locations known as Stations produce Silicon. Every Extraction Hub contains a different number of stations, which the Treasure Hunters must battle to take over and participate in Silicon extraction.

Each Extraction station has a limited supply of $SILICON that can be extracted daily. Silicon is spread across multiple stations and 1 team of up to 3 Treasure Hunters can extract on any station. Once the total available Silicon has been extracted from the station, the Treasure Hunters must venture out to different stations, and potentially new Extraction Hubs to continue the hunt.